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Tubman Foundation KLASS Giveback 2016

Tubman Foundation KLASS Giveback 2016

May 06, 2016


Announcement of KLASS Act Foundation charitable give-back event.                       

May 6, 2016

KLASS Cosmetics and Skincare is proud to announce the initial Twin Cities area community donation through our foundation, KLASS ACT! The recipient of the gift is the Tubman Center East of Maplewood, an organization whose vision is to help women, men, youth, and families who have experienced relationship violence, elder abuse, addiction, sexual exploitation or other forms of trauma. Throughout the Twin Cities, Tubman provides safe shelter, legal services, mental and chemical health counseling, elder abuse resources, youth programming and community education, including public information campaigns to provide community members the information and support they need to get help or give help.

KLASS Act Foundation has provided soothing lip balms to Tubman Center East which total $1600 in value. KLASS is pleased to support local organizations that help people in need who will appreciate the opportunity to use luxury cosmetic products.

You have the opportunity to help others in your community by purchasing KLASS products which are available at KLASS at Sola Suite #14, Woodbury Lakes Mall, 9100 Hudson Rd, Woodbury, MN or online at When you make a KLASS purchase, they will donate an item through their KLASS ACT Foundation to a local charitable organization which helps women in need.

Thank you for your support!    

KLASS Cosmetics and Skincare and KLASS Act Foundation (

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